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On Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein:
contemporary perspective
on the myth
debate15.08., godz. 15:00
Eileen Hunt Botting is a Professor of Political Science at the University of Notre Dame in the U.S.A. She is a graduate of Bowdoin College, where she studied English Literature and Philosophy; the University of Cambridge, where she studied Philosophy as a British Marshall Scholar; and Yale University, where she studied Political Science with a focus on political theory and the history of political thought. She is the author or editor of seven books: most recently, Mary Shelley and the Rights of the Child: Political Philosophy in 'Frankenstein' (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2017) and, with Sandrine Berges and Alan Coffee, she has co-edited a 38-chapter philosophical compendium on Shelley's mother Mary Wollstonecraft, The Wollstonecraftian Mind (Routledge, 2019). She is at work on a book titled Political Science Fictions after 'Frankenstein': Making Artificial Life and Intelligence.
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