She is Press, TV and Internet journalist. Until December 2015, she was the director of the TVP Kultura channel. From April 2016, she is the editor-in-chief of culture dept at Onet-RAS Polska. She is the co-author of the famous television and book series Conversations at the End of the Century and Conversations for the New Age. Her channel wa honored with "Wiktor" award for the best television program. She is also the author and co-host of talk show in TVP Kultura "Departure Hall", awarded with Grand Prix for 2015. She was nominated for many prizes and won majority of them, for example: "Journalist of The Year", "Róża Gala", she received an award from the MS museum in Łódź for the promotion of art. In 2017 she was nominated for the MediaTory award in the InitorTOR category for her program "Rezerwacja". Since two years, she has been running the "Strength of Women" program on Onet. As the editor-in-chief of the Kultura website, she created the cultural prize of the year "O! Shining", which aims to promote Polish culture.
pic. from the author's archive