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Wojciech Chmielarz
Premiere at the Festival!18.08., godz. 16:00
A crime fiction writer and a journalist, he won the Wielki Kaliber Prize (in 2015, for Przejęcie) and the Readers’ Wielki Kaliber Prize (in 2019, for Żmijowisko), and was shortlisted for the prize six times. He has written articles for Puls Biznesu, Press, Nowa Fantastyka, Pocisk, and Polityka. Regarded as one the most notable young crime fiction writers, he is the author of the detective Jakub Mortka series: Podpalacz (2012), Farma lalek (2013), Przejęcie (2014), Osiedle marzeń (2016), Cienie (2018); the Gliwice series: Wampir (2015) and Zombie (2017); the post-apocalyptic novel Królowa głodu (2014); and the most recent psychological thriller Żmijowisko (2018), which won the ‘best-seller’ title from Lubimyczytać.pl. The novel has also won the Złoty Pocisk Prize and the Grand Prix of Warszawski Festiwal Kryminalny. Currently, Canal Plus is working on a film based on Żmijowisko. Chmielarz lives with his family in Warsaw.
pic. Michał Jaworski