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Joanna Ostrowska
Invisible. Forced sexual
labour during WWII
H/history18.08., godz. 14:00
Joanna Ostrowska has a PhD in humanities. She is a former lecturer at the Institute of Jewish Studies of the Jagiellonian University, Gender Studies at the University of Warsaw, and Polish/Jewish studies at the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences. She deals with the forgotten victims of Nazism. A film critic and the selector at the Krakow Film Festival, she was a playwright for Małgorzata Wdowik and Marta Ziółek. She is currently studying at the Department of Hebrew Studies at the Faculty of Oriental Studies of the University of Warsaw. She lives in Warsaw. In 2018, she published Przemilczane. Seksualna praca przymusowa w czasie II wojny światowej – the first book in Poland devoted entirely to the sexual violence during the WWII.
pic. W. Orski